Closing date for STA Executive nominations have been extended to COB Monday 19 October
If you’re passionate about STEM and want to make a positive impact on our sector, we want to hear from you! Science & Technology Australia invites candidates for several positions on our Executive Committee.
This is an exciting opportunity for outstanding candidates to make an active, thoughtful, skilled and principled contribution to STA.
The following positions are open for nomination this term:
President Elect (1-year appointment, followed by 2-year appointment as President)
Secretary (2-year appointment)
Policy Committee Chair (2-year appointment)
Early Career Representative (2-year appointment)
To nominate, you must be a member of an STA ordinary member (non-affiliate). You can find the full list of eligible organisations here.
In line with our forthcoming Reconciliation Action Plan commitments, we particularly welcome nominations from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
We also seek nominations from candidates with experience or qualifications in law/governance, financial management, or HR.
We encourage candidates from other traditionally under-represented groups including people with disability, members of the LGBTIQ+ community, and strong cultural diversity.
Candidates from the historically under-represented States/Territories – especially Tasmania, the Northern Territory and Western Australia – are also encouraged to nominate.
The successful candidates will join our current Executive Committee members, who include Jeremy Brownlie (President), Tanya Ha (Vice-President), Judith Dawes (Treasurer), Lee Constable (Early Career Representative), and Misha Schubert (CEO).
Candidates must be financial members of a STA ordinary member (non-affiliate). A full list of eligible organisations is here. Candidates must also receive written support from two other individuals who are themselves financial members of a member society.
Nominations closed on COB 19 October 2020.