Each year STA and Professionals Australia seek responses from scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians to gauge the health of the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) sector, from the perspective of those who work in it. With the launch of this year’s annual employment survey, we are looking to collect important information on the conditions, fairness, equity and […]
Science gender pay gap too wide and job insecurity persists: new report
The gender pay gap is more pronounced in science than the broader Australian workforce, and more than two-thirds of scientists believe cost-cutting is imperilling the nation’s capacity to stay internationally competitive, according to a new national report published today. Science & Technology Australia (STA) and Professionals Australia conducted its annual Scientists Employment and Remuneration Survey […]
Pay improving, opportunities for women lacking says national survey of science
SEE A SUMMARY OF THE REPORTS FINDINGS A national survey of the science, technology, engineering and mathematics workforce has yielded mixed results for women in STEM, with a smaller wage gap than in other sectors but fewer opportunities for promotion. Overall, STEM salary increases have crept ahead of the national average, and conditions have slightly […]
Pay up, morale down for scientists: National Report
Job uncertainty, overwork and a loss of skills in the workplace are keeping the morale of Australian scientists low despite an average salary increase in the last 12 months, the 2016 National Professional Scientists Employment and Remuneration Survey has found. The survey was conducted by Professional Scientists Australia in conjunction with Science & Technology Australia […]
Professional scientist remuneration survey 2016
Professionals Australia and Science & Technology Australia invite you to participate in their annual Professional Scientist Remuneration Survey. Participants go in the draw for a chance to win one of four prizes of $500. The survey has now closed. The full report can be accessed via the Professionals Australia website. Professionals Australia has been conducting […]