Over the course of a whole month Science meets Parliament delivered an innovative and engaging program, all online for the first time ever.
Careers in STEM: Embrace the pivot!
Pamela Naidoo-Ameglio, Head of ANSTO Nuclear Operations encourages STEM professionals to embrace the pivot in their careers.
A powerful legacy as a champion of STEM
Science & Technology Australia has paid tribute to the powerful legacy of Karen Andrews as outgoing Industry, Science and Technology Minister.
The importance of science, the importance of connection: How 2020 helped sharpen our focus
Amgen Australia’s Shannon Sulllivan discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has awakened the world to the power of science to transform lives and livelihoods.
Dr Cathy Foley – National Press Club Address for #SmP2021
Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr Cathy Foley AO gave the National Press Club Address for Science meets Parliament. Read her speech – Achieving impact from Australian science.
Science for purpose
Professor Tanya Monro, Chief Defence Scientist in the Department of Defence’s Defence Science and Technology Group, discusses mission-directed research.