The nation’s scientists and technologists have welcomed the appointment of Emeritus Professor Tony Haymet FTSE as Australia’s new Chief Scientist.
Emeritus Professor Haymet is Australia’s tenth Chief Scientist and starts his new role today. He is a globally significant oceanographer and entrepreneur who has held senior roles in CSIRO, a former university Vice-Chancellor, was the Chair of the Oceans Council at the World Economic Forum and founded a company that makes in-ocean robots.
“Our planet faces significant challenges from climate change, and Emeritus Professor Haymet brings globally recognised leadership to help Australia navigate those challenges,” said STA CEO Ryan Winn.
“As Australia’s Chief Scientist, he will play a vital role in helping the country adapt to a changing climate while also leveraging the opportunities of technology and innovation to build the industries of the future.”
“His deep expertise with the World Economic Forum, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and at Australian and international universities will be invaluable in providing independent science advice and leadership to government to position Australia on the global stage.”
“On behalf of the 225,000 plus STEM professionals STA represents, I welcome his appointment to the role. We look forward to working closely with him on the implementation of Australia’s National Science and Research Priorities.”