Dr Verity Normington

Dr Verity Normington

Science Policy Fellow

Australian Public Service

Dr Verity Normington is a mohawked, mustang-driving rock chick who loves telling the stories of, well, rocks. Verity is a geologist that applies her STEM knowledge and skills in creating and applying policies in the Australian Public Service and is one of the 2020 Australian Science Policy Fellows, a program run by the Office of the Chief Scientist.

As a geologist, Verity pieces together ancient landscapes from really old rocks preserved in today’s landscape. Verity has worked in central Australia where she used sedimentology, geochronology and other geoscience disciplines to characterise rocks over a billion years old. She learnt these skills during her PhD in Geology through the University of Adelaide (2018) where she also attained a Bachelor of Science (Honours).

Verity is an active member of the Geological Society of Australia, she is the secretary of the National Governing Council and serves on several division committees. Verity is also the Australian Geoscience Council’s Ambassador for Early Career Geoscientists. Verity is passionate about supporting Early Career Geoscientists to remain within geoscience community and is an advocate for diversity. Verity is also dedicated to sharing her story of overcoming chronic illness to follow her dreams of becoming a scientist.

Dr Verity Normington is a Superstar of STEM.