
Dr Nicole White

Research Fellow

Queensland University of Technology

Data informs all aspects of our daily lives. In health and medicine, data comes in all shapes and sizes, from clinical trials of promising new treatments, to large scale studies of the human genome that improve our understanding of complex disease.

The translation of research into policy and decision making is underpinned by the use of statistics to extract meaningful stories from data. Dr Nicole White is a statistician who has spent her career working with health and medical researchers to analyse and communicate data-driven insights to improve human health. Nicole holds a Bachelor of Mathematics and PhD in Statistics from the Queensland University of Technology. Nicole’s love of data has allowed her to contribute to a diverse range of research problems in areas including genetics, cancer and infectious diseases. She is currently a Research Fellow with the Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation, where she works with clinical teams to improve patient outcomes through the effective delivery of healthcare services.

Nicole has been awarded an Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellowship, where she will analyse data from a global study to help clinicians identify which treatments are most likely to benefit critically ill COVID-19 patients.

Dr Nicole White is a Superstar of STEM.