Our Executive and Governance
On this page: Executive Governance Committees Policies and Procedures Past Presidents
Executive team

Ryan Winn
CEOScience & Technology

Prof Sharath Sriram
PresidentAustralian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society

Jasmine Chambers
President-ElectAustralian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society

Dr Lila Landowski
Vice-PresidentAustralasian Neuroscience Society

Mark Stickells AM
Governance ChairPawsey Supercomputing Centre & Astronomical Society of Australia

Dr Kathy Nicholson
Policy ChairAustralian Institute for Machine Learning (AIML)

Maria Di Gregorio
FAR ChairIndependent Board Director

Dr Jiao Jiao Li
EDI ChairUniversity of Technology Sydney

Prof Chris Matthews
Board DirectorChair, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance (ATSIMA)

Prof Stephen Rodda
Board DirectorUNSW

Prof Renae Ryan
Board DirectorUniversity of Sydney
We operate under the direction of our Board, which has 8-11 Directors at any given time. Six Directors and our President-Elect are elected by our membership every second year. The remaining Board Members are our President, our CEO, and up to two Board-Appointed Directors.
The Board appoints Office Bearers, including the Vice-President, Governance Chair, Financial Audit and Risk (FAR) Committee Chair, Policy Committee Chair, and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee Chair. See the next section for a list of STA Committees and committee members.
- Dr Kathy Nicholson (Chair)
Australian Centre for Machine Learning - Professor Sharath Sriram
Science & Technology Australia President;
Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society - Jas Chambers
Science & Technology Australia President-Elect;
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society - Kate McGeoch
UNSW - Associate Professor Vanessa Wong
Soil Science Australia - Dr Melissa Humphries
Statistical Society of Australia - Professor Richard de Grijs
Astronomical Society of Australia - Associate Professor Dr Parwinder Kaur
Genetics Society of Australasia - Dr Kalinda Griffiths
Statistical Society of Australia - Dr Thom Dixon
ARC Centre of Excellence for Synthetic Biology - Friend of the Chair: Dr Martin Peeks
- Dr Jiao Jiao Li (Chair)
University of Technology, Sydney - Professor Sharath Sriram
Science & Technology Australia President;
Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society - Jas Chambers
Science & Technology Australia President-Elect;
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society - Dr Erin McGillick
Reproductive Health Australia - Kate Callaghan
Astronomical Society of Australia - Dr Katrina Wruck
Women in STEMM Australia - Dr Morley Muse
Women in STEMM Australia - Dr Ayan Dasvarma
Monash University - Kim Dyball
CSIRO - Professor Marc Kvansakul
La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science - Friend of the Chair: Adrienne Gooden
Australian Society for Fish Biology
- Maria Di Gregorio (Chair)
Independent Board Director - Dr Kathy Nicholson
Australian Centre for Machine Learning - Dominic Canestrari-Soh
Senior Manager, Enterprise Risk, EY - Yogita Nath
Sanofi - Professor Sharath Sriram
Science & Technology Australia President;
Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society - Jas Chambers
Science & Technology Australia President-Elect;
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society - Mr Ryan Winn
Science & Technology Australia Chief Executive Officer
- Jas Chambers (Co-Chair)
Science & Technology Australia President-Elect;
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society - Professor Mark Hutchinson (Co-Chair)
The Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists (ASCEPT);
Australasian Neuroscience Society. - Professor Stephen Rodda
UNSW - Professor Veena Sahajwalla
UNSW - Dr Matt Wenham
The Royal Society of Victoria - Ingrid Marsh
Cicada Innovations - Jonathan Lacey
Cruxes Innovation
Policies and Procedures
Past Presidents
Mark Hutchinson (2021–2023) Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale (CNBP) and Professor at Adelaide Medical School
Jeremy Brownlie (2019–2021) Deputy Head of School and Molecular Geneticist at Griffith University
Emma Johnston (2017–2019), then Dean of Science and Professor of Marine Ecology and Ecotoxicology, University of New South Wales
Jim Piper (2015–2017), then Research Leader at the Centre for Nanoscale BioPhotonics and former Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Macquarie University
Ross Smith (2013–2015), then Director of environmental consulting company Hydrobiology.
Michael Holland (2011–2013), then Deputy Head of the School of Veterinary Science at the University of Queensland.
Cathy Foley (2009–2011), then Deputy and Science Director, CSIRO Manufacturing. Later became Chief Scientist of Australia.
Ken Baldwin (2007–2009), then Deputy Director, Research School of Physics and Engineering, Professor, Australian National University.
Tom Spurling (2005–2007), former CEO of the CRC for Wood Innovations; Professor, Swinburne University of Technology and member of the CSIRO Board.
Snow Barlow (2003–2005), Professor of Horticulture and Viticulture, University of Melbourne.
Chris Fell (2001–2003), former Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of New South Wales.
Peter Cullen (March–November 2001) then Director, CRC for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra; Wentworth Group of Scientists.
Sue Serjeantson (1999–March 2001), then Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Australian National University.
Peter Cullen (1997–1999), then Director, CRC for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra.
Joe Baker (1995–1997), former ACT Commissioner for the Environment; Director of AIMS and Chief Scientist, Queensland.
Graham Johnston (1993–1995), then Professor of Pharmacology, University of Sydney.
Ditta Bartels (1991–93), then Counsellor for Science and Technology, Australian Embassy, Bonn.
Tony Wicken (1989–1991), then Professor of Microbiology, UNSW, formerly Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) UNSW.
Frank Larkins (1987–89), then Professor of Chemistry, University of Tasmania, and also a former Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) at the University of Melbourne.
Fred Smith (1985–87), then Professor of Physics, Monash University and a former Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) La Trobe University.