Science & Technology Australia today welcomed the new Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Senator the Hon Arthur Sinodinos AO.
STA also thanked outgoing Minister, the Hon Greg Hunt MP, for his strong and enthusiastic engagement with the sector.
“STA welcomes Minister Sinodinos to his new portfolio and we look forward to working with him to build on Minister Hunt’s efforts to forge a nationally coordinated vision for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM),” said STA CEO Kylie Walker.
Ms Walker said the appointment was an exciting opportunity for the former banker to invest in the work of STEM professionals around Australia.
“Scientists, technologists, researchers and educators working in STEM are passionate contributors to the Australian economy and work every day to materially improve Australia’s health, environment and wellbeing,” Ms Walker said.
“We look forward to long-term vision, support and consultation from Minister Sinodinos to ensure STEM professionals can fulfill their potential and ensure Australia’s science and technology remains at the forefront internationally.”
“STA is keen to support the Minister Sinodinos, Assistant Minister Craig Laundy, and their teams in building strong, long term, whole-of-government, strategic investment in and support for science and technology.”
“We also hope to continue to work with Minister Hunt, who will assume responsibility for NHMRC and the Medical Research Future Fund.”
STA is the peak body representing the nation’s scientists and those working in technology. Its mission is to bring together scientists, governments, industry and the community to advance the role, reputation and impact of science and technology in Australia.
Media contact: Dion Pretorius | 0418281777 |