Muireann Irish, Superstar of STEM

Associate Professor Muireann Irish

ARC Future Fellow

The University of Sydney

Associate Professor Muirean Irish is an ARC Future Fellow in the School of Psychology and Brain & Mind Centre, University of Sydney.

Muireann says her field of research is the cognitive neuroscience of memory, but she is particularly fascinated by how humans remember the past and imagine the future, and how these capacities are disrupted in dementia.

Originally from Ireland, she completed a Bachelor degree and PhD in Psychology at Trinity College Dublin, before relocating to Australia and receiving continuous funding from the ARC since 2013 (ARC DECRA, ARC Future Fellowship).

Muireann relocated to the University of Sydney in January 2017 where she was appointed Associate Professor of Psychology.

Using novel cognitive tasks and advanced neuroimaging techniques she has revealed the role of discrete brain regions for uniquely human thought processes. Ultimately, Muireann hopes her research will improve early detection of dementia to facilitate swift intervention and treatment.

To date, she has produced over 70 publications and secured more than $2million in competitive funding.

She has also received a number of awards including:

  • 2014 NSW Young Tall Poppy Science Award
  • 2015 L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science award
  • 2016 Paul Bourke Medal
  • 2016 Premier's Prize - Early Career Researcher of the Year
  • 2016 Edgeworth David Medal
  • 2017 L'Oreal-UNESCO International Rising Talent Award

Muireann balances her love of science with raising her son and is a staunch advocate for 'working smart' rather than long hours.

Associate Professor Muireann Irish is a Superstar of STEM.