Catherine Brenner
Superstars of STEM Mentor
Catherine Brenner is a deeply experienced company director and is the Chair of Australian Payments Plus (eftpos, BPAY, NPP, ConnectID), a non executive director of Scentre Group (Westfield Australia & NZ), a director of the George Institute for Global Health and George Institute Ventures and a Panel Member at Adara Partners. She is and has been a director of public and private entities including in the professional services, health, aged care, data, mining, financial services, property, biotech, logistics, visual and performing arts, education, not for profit and government sectors. Past roles include as a non-executive director of Coca Cola Amatil, Boral, Sydney Opera House Trust, The Art Gallery of NSW and as Chairman of AMP Limited. She has also served as a member of the Takeovers Panel and was a Managing Director, Investment Banking. She also coaches and mentors a number of CEOs and other leaders in the corporate and not for profit spheres.