Dr Rebecca Jordan
CSIRO Early Research Career Postdoctoral FellowCSIRO
The world around us is rapidly changing. Can plants adapt to these modified environments? This is an important question, because nature provides us with many benefits such as clean air and clean water, even in cities. How can we ensure the sustainability of these natural systems that support us?
Rebecca’s research is fuelled by her endless curiosity about our natural world and how modern genomic techniques can help understand our environment and inform conservation decisions. Rebecca has worked in conservation research for 10 years; applying genetics to understand diversity in Australian plants as well as animals such as coral and platypus.
Rebecca completed her PhD in ecological genetics in 2017 at the University of Melbourne, before joining CSIRO as a CERC Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2018. Her current research focuses on understanding how trees may adapt to changing environments. To address this question, she works on several different species with a range of amazing colleagues, both in Australia and overseas.
Rebecca is passionate about sharing her science in order to grow understanding of how we can support our natural environment, and has experience speaking to a range of audiences including science, industry and general public.
Dr Rebecca Jordan is a Superstar of STEM.