
Grace Lethlean



Grace Lethlean is passionate about seeing good ideas, which make a real-world impact, come to fruition. An inventor herself, she co-created a digital health intervention for children with attention disorders including autism, later commercialising the technology which is now listed on the ASX.

Grace grew up in a creative family and loved to build things. She spent her childhood tinkering with Meccano, electronics, and other toys traditionally seen as ‘boys’ toys’. Not put off by society’s expectations, she wired her dolls’ house so that all the lights operated from one switch when she was around six years old.

Holding degrees in chemical engineering and immunology, today Grace works as an entrepreneur at the nexus of invention, opportunity and business. She is co-founder of ANDHealth, a national initiative that facilitates the commercialisation of new digital health technologies, helping to fast-track their availability to patients, and create sustainable economic impact. Grace is motivated by seeing breakthrough innovations reaching the people who need them.

In recognition of her leadership, Grace won BioMelbourne Network’s 2018 Emerging Women in Leadership Award. She is also an adjunct senior lecturer at Monash University, a Churchill Fellow, and an author on technology commercialisation.

Grace Lethlean is a Superstar of STEM.