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Sally Loane
Superstars of STEM Mentor
Sally Loane is a Chairman, Non-Executive Director, business leader and former journalist and broadcaster.
Chair of Destination NSW and Ignition Advice, she is also sits on the board of Chubb Insurance Australia, Pankind, the Australian Pancreatic Cancer Research Foundation, and the Garvan Research Foundation. She is a member of the Advisory Board of consulting firm Orizontas and a mentor with McCarthy Mentoring.
From 2014-2021 Sally was the CEO of the peak industry organisation for financial services, the Financial Services Council, members of which included global and domestic fund managers, retail superannuation funds, advice licensees and life insurers.
Sally was the first female Director of Waratahs Rugby in its 135-year history (2010-2017), a Director of Venues NSW, and a Director of SCEGGS Darlinghurst.
Sally’s passion is women’s financial independence and economic security, and to this end has utilised her experience in financial services policy development, mentoring (Minerva Network; Super Stars of STEM) and has advised government via corporate advisory boards.
She has had a long history of service to the community and charity sectors, currently as a Trustee of the ANZAC Memorial Building in NSW, Governor of the Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation, Ambassador for Business Events Sydney, a member of Chief Executive Women, patron of Lou’s Place and member of the Nominations Committee for Sydney University Sport and Fitness Ltd. Sally chaired the Salvation Army’s Sydney East Doorknock Appeal (2008-2011) and was Deputy Chair of the Committee for Sydney (2015-2018).