Dr Samantha Sawyer
Food ScientistUniversity of Tasmania
What if we could work together to get the most out of science and research to tackle the issues of our generations? Dr Samantha Sawyer is seeking solutions to keep Australian businesses globally competitive economically, socially, and environmentally. Whether that means helping industries be more resilient to climate change, finding ways to process food waste into great tasting and nutritious food, or improving production systems to be efficient and socially conscious.
After completing a PhD in Industrial Biotech and a Grad. Cert. of Innovation & Enterprise at the University of Sydney, Samantha’s career has been spent working in both industry and academia. She is always working at the interface with the people who will inform, steer, and benefit the most from her research. She received a 2022 Science & Innovation Award (Wine Australia) for her project helping the wine industry adapt to climate change.
Samantha is currently a Lecturer and Research Fellow in Food Science at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (University of Tasmania). She is passionate about STEM outreach and engagement in regional areas and mentoring students and junior staff members to discover and achieve their career aspirations.
Dr Samantha Sawyer is a Superstar of STEM.