Dr Sathana Dushyanthen
Medical EducatorUniversity of Melbourne
Technology has the power to transform education into immersive learning experiences. Yet, technology has caused overstimulation and resulted in shortened attention spans. Dr Sat Dushyanthen is an Educator at the University of Melbourne. She specialises in the use of new and engaging technologies in online education in Digital Health, for health professionals, and leads the development of the new professional development programs. She also teaches the Master of Cancer Sciences Research Capstone.
Prior to this role, she led the development of the Master of Cancer Sciences. Sat completed a PhD and Masters through the University of Melbourne and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. She is a passionate Medical Educator that has a strong belief in the use of digital technologies such as gamification, virtual reality, visual graphics and animation to sustain interest and engagement online. She is also a Science Communicator and has participated as a National Finalist in the FameLab Science Communication competition, Pint of Science(conspiracy theories) and gives STEM talks to PhD and school students. Her most recent educational endeavour includes a YouTube channel and business called ‘Science in Motion’ that covers popular science and research topics using sci-mation, as well as helping other scientists communicate their science effectively.
Dr Sathana Dushyanthen is a Superstar of STEM.