Superstars of STEM – Application Video Instructions
One-minute audition video:
Prepare a one-minute audition video filmed on your own handheld device (smartphone, tablet or similar). Please note that we are testing for screen presence rather than production values. We strongly encourage you NOT to use a professional production crew. Please either film yourself “selfie-style” or enlist the help of a friend to hold the device. Your video must be one continuous shot with no editing or production. We need to see your facial expressions, so your head and shoulders should be in frame.
The topic is: your elevator pitch.
What is an elevator pitch?
It’s the 1-minute speech that summarizes who you are and what you do. Please do NOT use the video to explain why you think you should be selected for the program.
Your elevator pitch should stand alone without requiring an introduction, prior knowledge about you, or on-screen graphics. You should pitch your video as if it would be viewed and understood by a 14 year-old.
How will it be judged?
We are looking for confident, articulate, creative and expressive pitches that show you are able to convey information in a concise fashion to a general audience. We want to see your personality and get a sense of your oral communication style. We’ll also be checking to make sure you can stick to one minute.
How to submit your video
Videos must be uploaded to YouTube and the link included in the application form. Please ensure your video has been uploaded to YouTube as “unlisted”. DO NOT upload your video as “private” – we will not be able to access it.
Please follow these instructions to upload your video:
1. Log onto
2. If you don’t have an account, create a new account
3. Upload your video
4. During the upload process, select "unlisted" as your preference under visibility
5. Include the link to your video in your application form.