If you are passionate about evidence-based, science-informed policy, apply now to become a STEM Ambassador!
Science & Technology Australia is proud to launch the second round of its successful STEM Ambassador program, expanding to cover 20 federal electorates.
The inaugural Ambassadors come from a wide range of science, technology, and engineering jobs, and represent nine electorates across Australia.
STEM Ambassadors receive training and support to work directly with their local MPs to promote understanding of science and technology, and support the involvement of science in Australian politics and decision making.
Candice Raeburn is the STEM Ambassador in Wills (Victoria). She has been working to provide the local member, Peter Khalil MP, with better access to scientific research, data and evidence.
“I remember walking out of my first meeting with Peter being really excited about what we could achieve working together,” Candice said.
Since that first meeting, Candice and Peter have worked together to establish the STEM Wills Advisory Group, which brings together STEM professionals to learn about how government works and how scientist might have an influence.
“This opportunity has been incredibly important to me. Peter is a phenomenal counterpart – he has made the role a joy,” Candice said.
During the 12-month program, participants will receive professional development and support from STA.
Training will cover: effective engagement and communicating science to parliamentarians; building networks; media engagement, social media and science advocacy; and policy monitoring and engagement.
After 12 months in the program, the inaugural Ambassadors all felt more confident in engaging with decision makers and about their ability to influence national policy.
STA Chief Executive Kylie Walker said the STEM Ambassador Program was vital to helping build understanding and engagement between science and parliament.
“STA supports and empowers STEM professionals to become effective advocates for their work and their sector, building understanding and good will amongst political leadership for the incredibly important role they play in Australia’s health, wealth, and environmental wellbeing. We also work hard to advocate for basing policy on the best available evidence. The STEM Ambassador Program supports these goals.
“STEM professionals who are keen on getting more involved in policy and political decision-making should seriously consider applying to be a STEM Ambassador,” Kylie said.
The ideal applicant will be:
- Interested in politics and public policy
- a strong communicator
- dedicated to increasing the prevalence evidence-based policy
- willing to work with all members of parliament, regardless of political affiliation
- skilled at building and maintaining professional relationships
- not a member of a political party.
Applications close Midday 24 December 2019.
The STEM Ambassadors Program is seeking applicants from electorates listed below. Only applicants living or working in the specified electorates are eligible to apply.
If you are unsure about where your home or work electorate is, please check at the Australian Electoral commission website (https://electorate.aec.gov.au/).
Australian Capital Territory
Bean | Canberra
New South Wales
Chifley | Newcastle | North Sydney | Sydney | Warringah
Western Australia
Brand | Perth
South Australia
Grey | Mayo
Ballarat | Calwell | Cooper | Goldstein | Gorton | Hotham | Wills
Groom | McPherson | Oxley