Professionals Australia and Science & Technology Australia invite you to participate in their annual Professional Scientist Remuneration Survey. Participants go in the draw for a chance to win one of four prizes of $500.
The survey has now closed. The full report can be accessed via the Professionals Australia website.
Professionals Australia has been conducting regular surveys of professional remuneration for over four decades, working with Science & Technology Australia to benchmark Professional Scientists rates of pay since 2005. Results from the survey are compiled into an annual summary report on scientist remuneration that will be made available to members free of charge. This report provides the most comprehensive benchmark of Scientist remuneration and employment conditions in Australia. The survey will remain open until the 26th of August, 2016. All
The survey will remain open until the 26th of August, 2016. All Australian based Professional Scientists are eligible to participate. Upon completing the survey you will be taken to an online competition entry form to go in the draw to win one of four prizes of $500 drawn randomly after the survey closes.
The more professionals that participate the better our snapshot of scientist remuneration so we strongly encourage you to share this invitation with your colleagues.
Result of the survey will be published later in 2016.